
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly, I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky


what's with the Loginy post??? O_O

03:59  //  Over and Out

What's the first thing that you usually notice about someone you meet?

their smile :) i fall in love with those babies alot. :3

gawd. just ask please.

01:56  //  Over and Out

This Is Me!!!

Hi....My name is Loginy Loganathan. I am 15 years old.....I study in SMK(P)SRIAMAN......

I am a very sporting girl and i love Justin Bieber sooo much....I am a girl 2 be admired because I have great interest in studying and listening 2 music......

I may be a bit overweight but i can still run around the padang for more than 2 times in less than 10 minutes.

I am very active in sports and my dream is to be the ' Olaharagawati Sri Aman" and to be a pole dancer in the future.

23:10  //  Over and Out